Friends, Brothers, Companions, Sir Knights, and Fraters,

Welcome to the website for the Tarheel Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar, Jurisdiction of North Carolina INC. PHA. The Tarheel Grand Commandery was chartered on November 26, 1952, by The United Grand Commandery, Masonic Knights Templar, Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, Prince Hall Affiliated and serves as the supreme authority for the Chivalric Masonry in the Jurisdiction of North Carolina.

Our Grand Commandery was originally incorporated on the 1st Day of December 1952 by Right Eminent Grand Commander C.C. Boger, Grand Recorder S.S. Jones, Grand Generalissimo W.O. Grier, Grand Treasurer W.B. Harrison and Grand Standard Bearer Neil House and we now boast 18 Commanderies across the State.

Templar Masonry is a part of the York Rite branch of Freemasonry and completes the allegorical story starting in the Symbolic degrees and proceeding through the Royal Arch and a Cryptic Rite Degrees culminating in the conferral of the Orders of the Red Cross, Knights of Malta and Knights Templar. You may begin the York Rite journey after completing the "Blue Lodge" of Freemasonry and becoming a Master Mason. The York of Freemasonry includes three major areas that must be completed in order:

  • Royal Arch Masonry (Chapter),
  • Cryptic Masonry (Council), and
  • Knights Templar (Commandery).

For further information concerning Knights Templar Masonry in the State of North Carolina please contact us via the Contacts Page or contact a Local Commandery.

We look forward to your interest in the Knight Templars and hope that you will be contacting us soon to learn of how you can be a part of Prince Hall Masonry in North Carolina and more especially the Knights Templar.

Fraternally and Respectfully, 

SK Lee Capehart, - R.E.G. Commander          
Tarheel Grand Commandery, Order of Knights Templar,     
 Jurisdiction of North Carolina, PHA Inc.