Peace & Blessing from the Most High God!
On behalf of the Officers and Companions of the Holy Royal Arch Masons Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Incorporated, we would like to welcome you to our web page. As you take the time to navigate through our website, we pray that will find it informative and enlightening. We feel this website is a great tool to communicate with those seeking information about our organization.
We welcome you to look around and get to know us a bit more. To stay informed or reach out to us by going to our "Contact Us" Section. We look forward to your interest in the Companions of this Great Jurisdiction and hope that you will be contacting us soon to learn of how you can be a part of Prince Hall Masonry in North Carolina and more especially the Holy Royal Arch Masons.
Thank you for visiting! Our hope is that you will come back again soon. May the Great I AM of the Universe continue to bless and keep you. May all work as Masons be done in harmony, unity, and peace.
Yours in Humble Service,
Maurice D. Hamilton
PEHP Maurice D. Hamilton, KYGCH
Most Excellent Grand High Priest
Holy Royal Arch Masons
Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Incorporated